Create a landing page, a blog, a SaaS, a CRM, a whatever...
Add "genes.js" and "genes.css" to your HTML file for frontend (UI).
Include "genes.php" in PHP for the backend (API). Yes. That's all.
Everything where it should be.
Single DB and Genes core to serve unlimited sites.
i18n & admin panel built-in.
Renders in milliseconds. Handle 1000s of users on a $5 hosting.
Save the world! Save yourself!
One genes core can serve many clones, SaaS, blog, whatever...
Build what you want to build!
A corporation? Use it on your intranet. No access out needed.
It's fine. I don't need your data.
UI framework
Just copy & paste the lines, wherever you want in your html.
And, boom you got the Genes UI framework up and running.
With all the fonts, icons and flags, components, themes, everything.
Check documentation to see what you got and how to make the best of it!
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
API framework
This actually is the only line you need to get the Genes API running.
It is a single PHP file, can be downloaded and ungzipped from here:
<?php require "genes.php";
But in order to just paste in your php file and make it work?
I prepared you an ugly one-liner.
This is enough to make Genes API framework up and running.
Just copy and paste the line below into a file called "index.php" that's it,
it will get and arrange and start using whatever it needs.
You just created a blog, a cms, a crm, call it what you want.
Check documentation to see what you got and how to make the best of it!
<?php !file_exists("genes.php") && ($ch = curl_init("")) && curl_setopt_array($ch, [CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false]) && file_put_contents("genes.php", gzdecode(curl_exec($ch))) && curl_close($ch); require "genes.php";g::def("clone",array("Index"=>function(){g::run("ui.LoadViewHtml");},"Query"=>function(){g::run("core.Query");g::run("ui.LoadViewHtml");}));g::run("core.Render");
Of course PHP runs on servers. So you also need a server.
Any server, Apache, Litespeed, nginx, whatever...
Good old-fashioned downloads. Nightly updates. Detailed Q&A, in-depth usage tips & tricks. You are a designer, a custom theme-builder? You'll see that this is the easiest you create themes. Both admin and frontend is customized. So now, your themes can easily have custom admin panels too. And by custom I mean "CUSTOM"! Without being tortured you can create a comp, mod or clone or theme and sell that. Be a part of this community, to learn what the hell a comp, mod or clone is?! Many freebies, custom barebone / skeleton templates. Discounts. Easy recipes. Third party integrations. Saving time. Making money. Interacting. Contributing. Benefiting. Me. Just become a member. Really, I love you.